6 Natural Insomnia Cures From a Fellow Insomniac

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According to Mayo Clinic, insomnia is defined “as  a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep.” But if you are an insomniac you know, it is deeper than that.

Insomnia doesn’t only affect your sleep, but it can also impact your mood, personal relations, health, physical appearance, and work performance. Personally, my mood and health are influenced the most during my insomnia spells. I tend to suffer from intense migraines and high levels of irritability.

Curing insomnia can be difficult because there is not always a one-size-fits-all solution. The causes behind insomnia can be anything from poor sleep habits to mental health problems. It can even be a neurological issue. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. If you are suffering from insomnia, it is always good to get seen by a professional, to rule out any physical disruption.

In my case, insomnia is typically brought on by stress and anxiety. Thankfully, after discovering what triggers my disorder, I was able to adopt practices to help prevent insomnia during moments of high emotion.

This is what helps me:

Insomnia Cure #1

Sticking to a Sleep Schedule

This habit has been life-changing. When I wake up and go to sleep at the same time, it causes my body to consistently become tired at a certain time. I know when 10 pm hits, I will start yawning and feeling like it is time for me to close my eyes. This has helped me to go to sleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Even if I am stressed or anxious, my body still feels that low level of energy after 10 pm. This allows my body to start naturally winding down and asking for rest, even when my mind is still racing.

Insomnia Cure #2

No Phone After 9 PM

Our phones have become a second skin. Many people are addicted to this mini screen and they don’t even know it. Unfortunately, this gadget can have significant negative impacts on our sleep hygiene. According to SCL Health, “The blue light emitted by your cell phone screen restrains the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle (aka circadian rhythm). This makes it even more difficult to fall asleep and wake up the next day.”

In addition, our attention and emotions are constantly being controlled by this device. 

Be honest, how many times have you said you would go to sleep at a certain time, but found that time moving later and later because you were sucked into scrolling on social media or binge-watching YouTube?

I know it’s happened to me more times than I can count. These reasons are why I try to put my phone away around 9 pm every night.

Insomnia Cure #3

Exercising Regularly

Exercise has been a game changer. On the days that I work out, my body feels completely depleted…in a good way. After my workout and a hot shower, my body feels like it has lived up to its potential. I feel like I’ve done what I can do and now it’s time for some rest and relaxation. 

Sicking to a consistent exercise routine has helped regulate my energy levels, reduce my anxiety, and alleviate my daily stresses. All things that have historically triggered my insomnia episodes.

Insomnia Cure #4

Using Candles at Night

insomnia cure with candle

According to Cleveland Clinic, “Your levels of melatonin, a sleep-promoting hormone, rise in the evening, and exposure to light delays the release of that hormone.” In translation, light has an impact on your sleep. I have experienced this first hand. 

If you have read my 8 Bedroom Essentials for Better Sleep article, then you will already know that I recently suffered from a lack of sleep due to the light level in the bedroom. Our room directly faces the sun. Therefore, when the sun went up, I woke up. This put me on the sun’s schedule, not mine. 

The disruption of sleep caused me to experience many spells of insomnia.  As part of the solution, I decided to use candles at night to help retain and promote my melatonin levels. My candles are lit at 8 pm and are used for the rest of the night.

Insomnia Cure #5

Taking CBD and CBN

CBD and CBN has been an essential part of my insomnia journey. When I take edible CBD or CBN, I feel the effects in an hour or less. My body starts feeling heavy, and my mind starts shutting down. I slowly feel myself fading, and falling into a deep sleep. For me, it’s a pretty surefire way to ensure a good night’s sleep, even if I am feeling stressed or anxious.

Please obey your local laws when considering taking CBD or CBN.

Insomnia Cure #6

Creating a Sleep Inducing Bedroom Environment

Having the right environment is an underrated way of curing insomnia. It is true that what is happening around you, will influence what is happening to you.

Insomnia is not easy to overcome. It takes effort, daily habits, and patience. I know it may seem like an impossible feat, but keep trying. Remember, the only time you fail is when you don’t try.

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