8 Bedroom Essentials for Better Sleep

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One of my favorite things in life is running my rose-scented diffuser, crawling into a comfy bed with clean sheets, and drifting into a deep sleep. It’s literally one of my life highs. Before figuring out what worked for me, I woke up numerous amounts of times because the atmosphere “just wasn’t right.” It may sound dramatic, but the state of my bedroom is a critical part of my lifestyle.

My bedroom impacts the quality of my sleep. My sleep impacts my mood and mental function. My mood and mental function impact my outlook, motivation, and quality of life.

Isn’t it kind of crazy that thread count can play such an important role in the human experience? I mean, we laugh at people who pay $10k+ for a mattress, but maybe that mattress gives them a deeper sleep. Maybe that mattress is the difference between productivity and procrastination. Who knows, right?

What I do know, is that there are a few bedroom essentials that help me achieve a deeper more meaningful slumber. I hope this list gives you some inspiration to better your sleep hygiene.

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Diffuser or Candle

Whether you know it or not, smells can trigger emotions. When I smell roses I’m instantly overwhelmed with a sense of relaxation. On the other hand, when I spell expired food, I get overwhelmed with disgust. Ergo, scent is a useful tool for promoting a deep and restful slumber. 

Black-Out Curtains

Recently, I suffered from a lack of sleep due to the light level in the bedroom. Our room directly faces the sun. Therefore, when the sun went up, I woke up. On days when I would go to bed early, this was not a problem, but for days I wanted to sleep in, it just wasn’t an option. I began to get quite frustrated with the situation. A simple, yet affordable solution I found was installing black-out curtains.

Green Curtains as a Bedroom Essential

Alarm Clock

This is one of my favorite bedroom essentials. Sleeping by your cellphone is horrible for you (I’ll write a blog post about this soon), but if you use it as an alarm clock it seems like a necessary evil. Thankfully, this is not true. There are tons of physical clocks on the market today that can replace your cell phone and wake you up with ease.

King Size Pillow

Here is a little-known secret, king-size pillows are LIFE-CHANGING. I mean it. I used to wake up in the middle of the night with neck aches because my pillow was just off. I’m not sure if this is “normal,” but my head always seemed to slip off the pillow and I would wake up wondering what the hell happened. Ever since switching from a queen to a king, my sleep has improved 110%. 

Bed Sheet Straps

This is my husband’s favorite bedroom essential. He used to complain constantly about the bottom sheet shifting in the middle of the night. One day, I just had enough, jumped on Amazon, and bought straps to keep the sheet in one place. Since then, he has thanked me multiple times. 

Microfiber Sheets

Oh my god, microfiber sheets are 100% underrated. When I visited my now husband back in 2019, he had microfiber sheets on his bed. I had never slept on them before. Let me tell you, it’s been 3, nearly 4 years and I have only slept on microfiber sheets. They are that amazing!

Satin Pillowcase

If you aren’t aware, cotton pillowcases can be rough on your skin and hair. They can draw out moisture and create tangles. If these are concerns of yours, try switching to a satin pillowcase. It can even replace your trusty bonnet.


Are you a lover of hotel beds? Their secret is using duvets not comforters. A duvet is a cushy insert that can be inserted into a duvet cover. Duvets tend to be more warm and thick than standard comforters. Plus, you can change the cover as often as you want without buying a whole new duvet.

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